Returning home.

It's been a minute (well, almost a year since my last post!!). So many changes, and the biggest a NEW job!! I'm almost 11 months in... and feeling good... and that feels awesome. Me + jobs don't always mesh, so this is a very positive thing. I typically don't like to follow rules and I like to do things my way, so not many roles, or many companies are the right fit for me. It's a large reason that I started my own business and was my own boss. My business also gave me the freedom and time to focus on my book.

So, my book?! It's in manuscript format, and an unfinished one. There's still so much story to write. And knowing me, and not being able to read the future, I'll probably write it over again, AND then change it again. I was just thinking in the car today and realized that this manuscript could even turn into a format that I didn't originally envision. It could be a book... or it could be something else. Or maybe it's just for me and no one else. Who friggin' knows?! The one thing I do know is that my first love is writing. I'll keep writing. I'm actually going to give some love to my blog again. I just feel like it's time. It's good to take breaks and it always feels like home to return.

I do know for certain that I WILL write book, and I WILL be a published author. It was and is a dream. For better or worse, I'll always be a dreamer... but good thing I'm also a make-it-happen-er.




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