Take me to church

One of the foundational perks of going to church is community—friendly faces, small groups, relationships, accountability and support. At this point in my life, I’m seeking the exact opposite.

The perfect Sunday morning is me being able to go to church solo and sliding into one of the back/side rows after the first worship song has already begun. What this achieves is limiting the amount of interactions I have to have with people (I know! Sounds horrible, right?). I DO say high and smile to the greeters/welcoming crew, so I’m not heartless, folks!

At this point in my life, church is about God and me time, and it has absolutely nothing to do with other people. I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to have cheesey conversations, and I don’t need a pew buddy. I just want to worship* and pray and sit in silence with my Lord. This is my quiet time to learn from the pastor and see what message God has in store for me.

Someday, church will be a family thing. I look forward to the days where I sit next to my husband holding hands while my kids are in Sunday school. But for now, it’s pretty glorious just to be me.

*Side note: I have a completely awful singing voice, so being away from others is actually helping us all. =)


My faves: Podcasts


Oh em G (a book!)